Escape - But Remember to Come Back!

Lynn Alexandria

I have been a fan of Romance novels since I was a youngster. I was first introduced to Jane Austen and I couldn’t get enough of it. I remember when I was 16 and read my first romance with erotic scenes. I was on a residential trip for school and found a book called “Vaccine”, and sadly I cannot remember the name of the author. (I’ve also struggled to find this book since.) So, let’s talk orgasms. I mean, the ones we read in novels.
What I can say is that a lot of my knowledge about sex came from reading books and novels. One aspect that always stood out was that in almost every novel I read, the heroine would achieve orgasm through penetrative sex. On the flip side, I was also a fan of non-fiction and had read the statistics about how a lot of women find it difficult to achieve orgasm in this way. Being completely inexperienced when it came to having orgasms with a man involved, I had no idea which side was the reality.
This question was raised again recently when I had a conversation with a friend about the inaccuracies of certain aspects of novels. We covered a lot of points from police procedure to weapon handling before getting onto the topic of orgasms. As we went through the numerous books we'd read from every genre—Paranormal, Historical, Contemporary, Mystery—each genre had a large number of books where the woman would orgasm through penetration. There were also a large number of books where the male and female characters would orgasm at the same time.
The more I thought about it, the more I considered the fact that these scenes may be a crucial point in the book that helps readers escape their normal life and also to give women a positive experience while reading the novel.

Read the entire article in the May 2021 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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