The Faerie Guardian

Young Adult

FANTASY:  When humans need saving from dangerous magical creatures Guardian fae like seventeen-year-old Violet Fairdale are the ones to do it.  Vi is about to become the best the Guild has seen in years, until the cute boy she rescues follows her home. But returning Nate home doesn’t go as expected, and in trying, Vi and Nate learn he isn’t what he seems, and uncover secrets about both their families and friends that will send Vi into a fight that will take all her training and unexpected allies to win.  


An excellent YA paranormal romance! Violet is a strong fighter, with a drive to succeed but new to love. Nate is curious and sweet, even as he instantly falls for Violet. However their relationship has plenty of ups and downs once the Seelie Prince starts causing trouble and kidnaps the wrong people. On top of this, there is a possible love triangle in the mix, depending on what happens in the next book, and as assumptions are overturned readers might be rooting in that direction. The world of the Guardians is fairly well developed and the backstory is revealed at a good pace. Overall, lovers of fairies, romance, magic, and adventure, will love “The Faerie Guardian”!


Sarah E Bradley