Reviews - Young Adult / New Adult

It is well-known that Vian, Virginia’s beloved little brother, would prove better suited for the throne of Newrock, but she is next in line.  When their parents meet with an untimely death, the kingdom faces war.

FANTASY:  Morgan Daniel is desperate to get away from the danger in her life. As she races toward the safety of her aunt's mountain cabin she is run off the road.

Soulmate, Soulmate #1

PARANORMAL:  Rachel Masterson was born with two souls - her own and one who named himself Rider. Rachel knows he’s real, but everyone else thinks he’s her imaginary friend. Insisting on his existence ostracizes her from her peers.

PARANORMAL/HORROR:  At age seventeen, Racer already has a bad reputation. His girlfriend’s parents even forbid her from hanging out with him anymore.

Down The Wormhole

PARANORMAL:  All Kitty can be sure of is that she was an orphan and her former tutor liked cats. Now she is being pursued by a sorcerer who wants her to have his child.
