The Other Murder

Kevin G.

A scream is heard in the darkness, followed by a gunshot. A girl’s body is discovered, and then another gunshot breaks the silence. The girl is Angelica Monroe, a sophomore at NYU. Her purse contains a large baggie of weed, and $500.00.  Shortly thereafter, a second body is discovered on the opposite end of Washington Square Park. It is a Hispanic male, Javier Estrada. Hannah Hawthorne is a cable news producer, and she is on the scene immediately to write the story about Angelica. Paulo Richardson is a reporter from an online newspaper. He too, is writing a story, but he writes about Javier Estrada. He and Hannah work together so they can get the scoop of the year.  Working with the detectives on the case, they secure valuable interviews. They do not know it, but they are dealing with deadly killers. Will they be the next victims?

Gritty writing makes the characters come to life in “The Other Murder”. Mr. Chapman takes his readers into the dark world of drug dealing in this magnificent novel, leading everyone on a merry chase in search of the connection between the two murders. The detectives on the case are no-nonsense, but are very human. Hannah and Paulo are deep, intensive characters who endear themselves to the reader. They are both underdogs, soon to shed that moniker as they involve themselves in the case. A convoluted plot engages the reader and makes this tome impossible to put down. The story is very realistic, and it is obvious the writer knows his subject matter. An excellent story, it is a must read for mystery-suspense/thriller lovers!

Belinda Wilson