A Kelly Society Christmas (The Kelly Society #2)


PARANORMAL: Vivien Kelly previously saved the modern world. She killed a demon and commanded banshees to torment humans. After all of that, Vivien could definitely use a break. Just before Christmas, she is trying to live a normal life; preparing for the holiday, buying gifts, decorating, and preparing food. However, her peaceful reality takes a sudden turn when her friend, Josh, accidentally summons the Christmas demon, Krampus. Vivien must now save her friend from being dragged to hell, literally. To do so, she summons Hel, the goddess of the underworld. Will Vivien be able to save her friend from impending doom? And will she be able to stop Krampus before Christmas ultimately arrives?

“A Kelly Society Christmas” has a very unique plotline. However, the story is not very engaging and there are several plot holes in the tale. There are quite a few things that are left unexplained, and some situations throughout the book that don’t exactly make sense. The characters are well written, but not entirely relatable, which in turn makes them not very memorable. The story is average in its pace but it is incredibly short for such a heavy topic. The plot twist is a bit lacking and not very surprising. The general idea and premise of the story are good, but the execution of it is done a bit poorly. If the story had been expanded upon, it could make for a much more enjoyable book. With that being said, fans of Krampus and eerie Christmas stories are sure to enjoy this short and spooky read.

Jennifer Shepherd