Planning For Love


ROMANTIC COMEDY:  Poppy is looking forward to a romantic evening with her boyfriend, Richard. What she isn’t expecting is to catch him in bed with a voluptuous blonde that afternoon. After royally humiliating him, she goes home and evaluates herself. She runs her own successful business; she’s slim, has red hair and is attractive. Why does she seem to be a cheater magnet? She signs up for a computer dating service; maybe a computer logarithm can pick better dates than she can. Meanwhile, Poppy still keeps in touch with her "rebound man" from Hawaii - she met Adam after kicking her cheating boyfriend out of the hotel room during their vacation. They have a great week and stay in touch on the internet. Adam is still very interested in Poppy. He just needs to convince her she needs him as much as he needs her.

Ms. Butler is a master at sexual tension in this delightfully comedic story that portrays all the pitfalls of dating perfect strangers. The story is easy to relate to, since everyone has had at least one dud date. Both Poppy and Adam are multifaceted and have many layers to their personalities and emotions. "Planning for Love" a well-written piece that is easy to read and hard to put down. The theme isn’t the most original, but Ms. Butler has managed to give it some unexpected twists and plot complications. The secondary story of Sophie and Ian is also a nice touch. 

Belinda Wilson