Miss Match (No Match for Love #1)


Brooke is a match-maker for the company Toujour, in its US branch. She loves what she does and is terribly disappointed when the office is threatened with closure due to lack of interest. Apparently, Americans do not seem to be taking to match-making the way they do in Europe. If her office closes she will be forced to leave for Europe with her fiancé. Billionaire Luke Ryder is her best friend and he will do anything to keep the Brooke from having to move. Luke agrees to use the match-making service to boost numbers. Lots of women want a shot at the guys with good looks and deep pockets. With Brooke acting as his match-maker how does he convince her that he has loved her all along and she is his true match?


This heart-warming, feel-good romance will leave you swooning and cheering for the characters as they fight for true love! Luke and Brooke are well-developed characters, with unique characteristics to keep them interesting. The billionaire will melt your heart as he pursues his best friend. Brooke's character, however, can be quite infuriating as she seems to be painfully oblivious to the world around her. There was a constant rehashing of Brooke's feelings and her reactions were not always realistic. These character flaws made the book less enjoyable. In the end, "Miss Match" is a charming tale with a bit of a hook, which will leave readers wanting to dive in to the rest of the series. 

Jessica Samuelsen