To Dance Again


Maricel Cardona is a widow with three grown children. Out of nowhere she gets the call that ever parent dreads: it's the hospital, and one of her children has been in an accident. When she arrives, her eldest daughter Isabel is fine has discovered that her blood type is not what she concluded it should be based on her parents. This leads to many questions and memories that Maricel has not had to contend with in years. Maricel left her high school sweetheart in Puerto Rico and moved to the states with her parents and never looked back, even though she left her heart there. Will a return visit prove beneficial or cause more harm? Will her family forgive her when her secret is revealed?


“To Dance Again” is a refreshing, mature romantic tale! The strong heroine is a delight and has always tried to do the right thing, although compromising her own happiness most of the time. Once she reveals her past and realizes her daughter needs to know the truth, the story is a fast-paced and an enjoyable read. The past hurts and current medical issues of the hero add another dynamic to the plot that brings the story full circle. Although a bit predictable and overuse of the reference that Maricel has to return to the States, it’s a wonderful cultural read that discusses delicate family matters with taste and dignity. Food, wine and music with dancing are an added bonus. Readers will be booking vacations to visit Puerto Rico!


Viola Robins