Is It Real? A Look at Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Publishing and Cover Art


Browsing the newest books lined up on the shelves of my local bookstore always makes me happy. There are only so many books in print these days, and to be displayed there is an honor.
Being both an author and a cover artist, I’ll look at books for a variety of reasons. Recognizing print books by some of the authors I know is exciting, and even though a lot are new to me, it’s every bit as fun to see. As for the art, I look at all the beautiful covers being done nowadays.
Our world of words and pictures has been going through some amazing changes lately. The cover colors are vibrant, the stories and characters are all perfect, and everything looks so flawless. Part of that might well be because one of the newest changes in style involves AI art.
What is AI art?
For anyone who’s not familiar with the term, Artificial Intelligence art includes any, particularly images and music compositions, created through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) software and programs, for example, text-to-image internet programs, and musical generators. It can be confused with digital art but shouldn’t be, since digital art is created by a human, substituting digital tools and a computer for paints and canvas.
Don’t get me wrong, the artists that create these software programs are very talented, but as amazing as it is, there are always some who will take shortcuts. For example, they may take an existing photo or piece of art and run it through a program, altering it just enough to make it their own. This is not a good thing.
I really love the characters and things that AI can do, and today we see it everywhere. It’s all over the internet which can be challenging because it’s getting harder to differentiate between a real person or a computer generated one. It would make things interesting, trying to describe your new girlfriend to your parents only to find out she wasn’t real. That could cause a lot of awkward situations when you announce your engagement...
I’m not anticipating global disaster, but in reality, it’s a scary thing for creative people to deal with. The threat of a computer creating something you would have done a year ago is a ittle disturbing, to say the least...

Read the entire article in the June 2023 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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