
St. Angeles

What is it about meeting someone you stalk *cough* admire?It’s like a chemistry experiment gone wrong!Giddy bubbles fizz under the skin like coach passengers rushing to board a plane; your face morphs into a smile so big it borders on Grinchy, and your eyes bug from your head, as if you’ve just been mooned from the front. No? Doesn’t happen to you? Well, it does to me. Case in point: A couple of years ago, I got the rare opportunity to meet Stephenie Meyer—someone I admire on many levels. *spraying sparkly-hater repellent* I immediately executed the perfect Happy Bunny Toad maneuver. Let me tell ya, it’s totally…not cute. My shoulders shove up to my ears, which compresses my woefully short neck into something akin to a fat roll turtleneck. Then—I kid you not—my nose starts to twitch like a rabbit who’s just nibbled on crystal meth. "Well hello, Stephenie." Cue the Psycho music. *Ree! Ree! Ree! Ree!*