Christine Feehan: Sixteen NYTimes #1 Bestsellers, Seven #1 Series, And She's Still On Top!

I can’t imagine anyone walking through the book aisles of any store, anywhere, and not recognizing the name of Christine Feehan.  Her books are some of the most popular and loved in all of publishing.  She is prolific and unbelievably gifted.  But, while everyone knows the author, few know the woman.  That is why it was such an honor to sit down and really visit with her.  I was delighted to find her to be one of the most warm, friendly, and enjoyable people I have ever met!  Even more, however, I found a woman who has lived a rich and full, but sometimes incredibly hard life. And, it is from the foundation of her personal experiences that she writes the moving, sometimes harsh, but always hopeful stories that have so touched the world.  Read on and I’m sure you will agree, Christine is truly an example to all!

InD: First of all, Christine, you are like crack, I swear!  I have had no life the past month! It’s been spent reading Christine Feehan books. Oh, my goodness! It was scary, just scary. I couldn't put them down! And you have such a huge portfolio of amazing books now. We could do a series of interviews with long conversations about every single one, they are all so creative. Truly, I stand all amazed!
My sister thinks I am crazy. She will often look at me and say, “I can't believe that is in your head!”
InD: So, let's go back to the very beginning. Were the “Carpathians” [The Dark Prince series] the first books you published?
: Yes, "Dark Prince" was the first ever published.
InD: Where did the idea come from?
I used to tell stories to my kids all the time. That particular series is a watered-down version of the types of the stories I would tell them.
InD: How old were your kids when you were telling them about vampires, werewolves, and such?!
They were various ages. I would talk to my oldest son about all kinds of different stories. He was quite an illustrator. We would play Dungeons & Dragons and I was always the Dungeon Master, so we would get into these wild stories together! Then he was killed in a car accident, and I went through a terrible time where I had a real problem feeling anything. I was very numb for a while. During that period of time, I wondered what it would be like to feel nothing at all. That was how the idea for the “Carpathians” was born.
InD: Basically, you made up the stories and the people with your children, then throughout that really hard time after your son’s death, that whole idea of how it would be not to feel developed, correct?
Yeah, I lost him, but I still had all my other children, so I had to carry on. You still have to get up every morning and continue, but you have this huge hole inside you while everybody else keeps going. You feel like they are going forward but you are still stuck at the point this terrible thing has happened. It is a numb feeling, so I turned to writing. It ended up getting me through that terrible time in my life.
InD: And that was where the first “Carpathian” novel came from. Wow! That is amazing. Writing helped pull you out?
Every series I have is about hope and family, regardless of how the family was born. I always turn back to that. It was about a family and finding hope in their life.

Read the entire interview in the July/August 2019 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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