Are You a Review Snob?


I see it daily. That little quote posted all the time in groups, outgoing email signatures, on social media—it’s everywhere. “Help an Author by leaving a review.”  I’m just beginning to wonder if we’ve forgotten one very important part of this sentence: “Help an author!”
It’s happening more and more frequently. Countless authors being torn to shreds by the holier than thou Review Snobs. What part of “Help An Author” is so difficult to understand? Why are we tearing these writers to pieces? We receive ARC’s (Advance Review Copies) for FREE; win copies of books for FREE; read it when we get time and then what? Well, it’s review time, right? We then agree to leave an honest, respectful and polite review for said author’s very hard work that he or she so nicely gifted to us in exchange for that honest review.
But, wait! Has this gone too far? For instance, if a reader already knows they don’t like a specific genre or sub-genre, why are they standing in line for an ARC of a book in that genre? Is it a competition to see how many books one can add to a Goodreads annual book reading challenge? Is it a race? An obsession?  Leaving an honest review for an author should be for some of the following reasons:

  • To let the author know how you viewed, felt, or reacted when reading his or her hard work.
  • To let potential readers know your honest thoughts about the story.
  • To help an author (there’s that quote again!) by respectfully and politely suggesting enhancements or improvements.
  • To share with the world how much you loved a story and how you hope others will love reading it.

Ahhh… Here’s part of the problem.

Read the entire article in the Dec/Jan 2018-19 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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