Wake for Me


Viola Bellerose is the 19 year-old daughter and only child of a wealthy winery baron. Displaying the typical diva mentality, when her rock-star boyfriend breaks up with her she lashes out by making out with a complete stranger then crashing her car.


Dr. Sam Phillips is the intern on call when Viola is brought into the ER. When Viola falls into a coma he takes it upon himself to discover what he missed in his initial consultation and determines to bring her back. In the hours he is with her, he finds himself expressing his hopes and fears to the unconscious girl. What he has no way of knowing, however, is that even in a coma, Viola is aware of the very attentive doctor's one-sided conversations and is falling in love with him.


From the very first sentence of this story, the reader is hooked with this unique story! However, Ms. Irons' use of several, sometimes lengthy, dreams sequences within the novel tend to feel like contrivances. They may be intricate to the narrative outcome, but they could very possibly be the thing that puts a reader off with their over-usage. The dreams are set apart by using 'first person' styling rather than the more commonly accepted italics. The main characters' story goals do not become apparent until well into the book, leaving the reader with nothing more to cheer for than the hope that the heroine regains consciousness. Even so, Ms. Irons does an admirable job in presenting a well-choreographed and creatively interesting tale.


Shaunna Gonzales