Curse of the Night (Muse Island Series Book 4)

Kris Faryn and
Jules Lynn

Piper Prince has a special gift of magic powers that she is still learning to control, and then one day, nightmares start playing out in real life and putting everyone in danger. She then investigates why nightmares are becoming reality on Muse Island. She learns that the dream eater who is very hard to kill has been murdered. Along with her sister, a genie, a sexy resort owner and the Protector of the Muses, they set out to find out who the murderer is and to stop the dreams before it is too late. The Aztec god of chaos has risen and now a dark moon hoovers over the island, and no one knows what that means, or how to fix it.

“Curse of the Night” is a magical paranormal suspense that follows magical beings and humans on an island whose dreams are playing out in real life. To save lives, the magical beings need to solve who committed the murder and figure out how to stop the dreams. The reader may find the story is hard to follow at times because one does not know the back story and characters, since the books in the series should be read in order. The story is delightful though, and characters are very well written. The authors have created a unique and enjoyable to story that leaves the reader wanting more. “Curse of the Night” is Book 4 is the Muse Island Series, and will have readers jumping onto an e-book retailer site to purchase the previous books. A fun and engaging way to spend a fall evening!

Victoria Zumbrum