Released (The Shapeshifter’s Library)


Liberty has always wondered about her life and how it would have been if her mother had not disappeared. Growing up without a mother or father was something that always bothered her, but made her a very strong person. As an adult she became a librarian and worked her way back to where she last lived with her mother, Shipsfeather, Ohio.  Looking into the past is very hard in a town that seems to have something to hide. But meeting Chronus, a talking magical dog, changes everything - including how Liberty looks at life.  
 Chronus and his shifter people have been cursed to live out their years in the academy school where he was head master. They have worked to break the curse for centuries,  with no avail. The longer they are cursed the weaker they grow. Soon they will not even be able to shift. When Liberty walks into the old academy that has been closed for many years, life for Chronus and his people change.
In “Released”, Amber Polo brings us an enthralling story full of mysteries, magic, and shifters. No stone is left unturned, as all will be revealed on the journey through this mind tingling, heartfelt, and soul warming story! Easy flowing, and well written “Released” has the reader anxiously turning every page in anticipation of the next.  This is such a wonderful read, it will be a great series to follow!
Melody Prat