The Quest (Illusional Reality Book 2)


Becky is in England and is determined to protect her young son from threats her bodyguards cannot possibly understand. When an orb arrives to take her back to her homeland of Tsinia, she knows it's time to resume her role of Princess Thya. Tsinia is under attack and requires Thya's leadership and vision. She consults the crystals revered by her people and assembles a small expedition team to search for the second Dark Eye that will destroy their enemy and save their world. The team meets with danger at every turn, yet Thya refuses to give up. With each step she discovers the leader she is meant to be and learns the truth of her abilities that will change her life for all time. 

Action, adventure, and thrilling escapades make "The Quest" a standout read! Once Thya and her team begin their trek into the Outlands, the suspense never stops. Readers will be delighted with Karina Kantas' world building, though the unfamiliar Tsinian names and relationships at the beginning may slow the reader down initially. However, it isn't long before the urgency of their quest will suck readers in and keep them hooked on each page. Thya is an independent woman who discovers a core of strength that shapes the path she chooses to follow. She is reunited with her son's father, but the romance takes second place to the overall development of Thya as a character and the overarching goal of saving Tsinia. "The Quest" hits high marks and fantasy fans are sure to be delighted!

Tricia Hill