Last Dream of Her Mortal Soul (Portland Hafu Book 3)

K Bird

Koi Herai Pierce has been called home to Portland. The Kind in Tokyo are in an uproar after she released ancient dragons from their prisons, and Koi desperately needs to care for her father and find peace with her growing abilities and understanding of her Baku, dream eater, side. Unfortunately, Koi has no time to rest, as the day she returns one of the Portland, Kind is murdered, and messages calling out Baku are left on the scene. With no time to rest, Koi must pay a debt to the local Kind, find a new balance with the kitsune she thought she cared for, protect her family, and find a new strength as a Hafu Kind, before the killers not only harm more Kind but target her father and sister as well. 

Urban Fantasy takes on Japanese myths! This book is non-stop action, with major character development and movement combined with various mythologies, which will snag the reader’s interest and keep them hooked. Koi is a complex character, and as this is the third book, she has made progress from the hesitant weakling with power she is afraid of, to quirky fighter with fears and doubts making her believable. Her progression as a Baku and her relationships with family and Ken also give the story plenty of interesting plot threads to follow, and the drama and action is not worth missing. The antagonists, a group of neo-Nazis, are particularly well done as the reader quickly finds themselves rooting for a Kind victory. Overall, fans of urban fantasy, Japanese myths, action, and adventure will find this book well worth the read!

Sarah E Bradley