Her Dragon, His Demon (Dragon Guards #12)


Audrey is trapped in Hell with little chance of freedom. A spoonful of hope exists with the help of magic and a full moon that brings her to Rian, the leader of a clan of dragons, for one night a month. Mounting a recovery operation with his dragon brothers and powerful witches casting like mad hatters, Rian will attempt to free his princess. If they’re successful and make it topside, there’s still the matter of purging the demon squatting in her soul without killing her.


“Her Dragon, His Demon” mixes action and fantasy with a round trip ticket to Hades. Rian wants his princess and nothing will stand in his way. The heroine was always referred to as beautiful, but after so many years in hell and being flayed and tortured by Hell’s Chancellor, it’s unlikely she still has peaches and cream skin. There’s plenty of sizzle between the Rian and Audrey. Heroines with guts and glory seem to be the new black, and Audrey has plenty of both. The demons and creatures will have readers attending church on Sunday to avoid a ride down under. An escape plan doesn’t go as expected which adds intrigue and an earned happily-ever-after. Rian’s dialogue may throw readers, as for an ancient dragon, his voice comes across like a contemporary teenager. The long drawn-out spells need work and little creativity, but the scene setting places the reader in a fast-paced fantasy. 

Sloane Austen