

Asia Blue is used to her alcoholic mother disappearing for weeks at a time. This time, with the sinister Nexus Group threatening her were-lynx colony, Asia is worried that if she can’t track her mother down quickly, it might be too late. Enlisting the aid of her best friend and sexy, pure were-lynx Conrad Pike in her investigation, she must help their colony investigate the Nexus Group facilities, defend themselves from new foes, find Asia’s mother, and maybe figure out what to do about the attraction that is sizzling between them.


Another addition to the “Fierce Hearts” paranormal romance series, the focus on this story is between Asia, who is half were, half human and the pure were Conrad. The plot threads include the danger of the Nexus Group, drama with their families and their expectations, and the romance between Asia and Conrad. The first thread has a lot of action but lacks tension due to a somewhat slow pace of the book. The drama with Asia and Conrad’s families; however, provides some interesting aspects and perhaps some foreshadowing. The romance, on the other hand, is predictable but sudden and steamy as the danger around them brings them together. Overall, while “Heartfelt” lacks tension it has plenty of action, steam, and shifters to please any paranormal romance fan.


Sarah E. Bradley