Destiny’s Mark (The Guradians of Eden #3)


Is there anything in this world more painful than losing your child? Eight years ago, Jai Dashkov experienced that horror firsthand, when she had her daughter stolen from her. She’s been looking for her ever since. On her journey she meets Quan and Tsu, siblings who seem too good to be true and who offer her a job on a remote island, helping women in need. All she plans to do is make enough money and move on, but Tsu keeps binding her to him with bonds of affection and respect. But not all is what it seems, Jai discovers, when she finds out Quan and Tsu are of the magical Guardian race: they help humans with their unique powers. And they think she’s Tsu’s mate…

Picking up this book is like stepping into a warm embrace - comforting and safe, with the sense of love and passion slowly enveloping the reader. For most of the story there is no sense of urgency and drama, it’s centered on the wonderful vision of Tsu and Jai learning, doubting and enjoying each other, which is a bit surprising (but refreshing!) considering the mate aspect. Fate only gave Tsu the certainty Jai was the woman for him-the feelings and trust came on their own.


The characters are wonderfully vivid and thought out, even within the race with protecting humans as their goal. The only aspect which could be improved upon is the Guardian mythology - writing more about traditions and history would add complexity and richness to the culture.


Mimi Smith