Cursed in Shadow (Legends of Oblivion #1.5)

Andrea R.

FANTASY:  After their adventures and the defeat of the Warloc, the time has come for Brock and Celeste to go to Tamlon, the Elvin City. Brock is an Elvin Vampyre, cursed to drain other beings’ kajh, their life essence. He had set out from his home long ago with a garnet dagger and a prophecy and now he’s coming back with the witch who’s captured his heart. There’s just one problem – humans are forbidden from stepping onto Elvin land. Danger and prejudice follow them on every step. Will they be able to fulfill their purpose and carry on?

“Cursed in Shadow” is a novelette bridging the events of the first book in the series, “The Garnet Dagger”, and the sequel, “Son of Dragons”. As a consequence, it doesn’t really stand well on its own, despite the explanations at the beginning. It does, however, spark interest in the characters and their previous and future adventures. 

Unfortunately, the enjoyment “Cursed in Shadows” offers is offset by the convoluted writing style. It’s incredibly distracting and makes reading a chore and the characters feel more distant, sometimes. Examples: “Any humans, from whom I drain, never sustain me for more than a day or two.” “My life wrapped around her and her love.” The book could’ve used some polishing and the ending is quite abrupt – the better to tempt readers into buying the sequel. 

Fantasy worlds never get old, and Ms. Cooper has created an exciting one. All in all, fans of the series will probably find much to enjoy in this little piece of magic and love!

Mimi Smith