The Breaking of Dawn (Dark Future #4)


SCI-FI:  Aliens still threatened the Dark Planet, war still wages on Earth and Dawning Hope Smith, the symbol of the New Republic is struggling to find her place with the prophecy and the one man she cannot stand. However, she will need him, heart and soul if she wants any chance of surviving when pure evil strikes with the intention of breaking Dawn.

The final story of the Dark Future series is a fast-paced one that holds readers in its grasp with thrilling suspense. Dawning is a very strong character full of emotional turmoil that makes her character easily related to and adds believability to the very intense situation of such a young girl under so much pressure and falling in love. The story has some violence since there is a war taking place, but mostly is filled with powerful intriguing events that ensure readers want to know everything that happens. Although the plot starts a little slow, it quickly proceeds to a fast pace and since the author created such a potent story, readers quickly become engrossed in the book. While the story doesn’t have much sex, what is there is passionate, hot and full of emotion with readers finding “The Breaking of Dawn” an unforgettable and exhilarating experience. The book can be read alone, but readers may want to read all four books in the Dark Future series in sequence for an even better experience. 

E.L. Hurley