The Daughter of the Sea and Sky


SPECULATIVE FICTION:  Shortly after her father died Helena's mother left as well, and Helena is at a crossroads. Unable to concentrate fully, she might not be able to keep the promise she made to her father just before he died to finish school and become a better scientist than he was. In their land, logic and reason are the only beliefs allowed which leaves her mourning heart empty. Her childhood friend, Jason is back, and with him, their beliefs are going to be tested after he pulls a drowning child from the sea. Kailani is only 9, but she is a zealot from across the sea where only spirit and faith are allowed; even basic technology is mistrusted. 


Set in a world not so different from our own, readers will find both the technology and the scripture familiar, yet different. With the countries being completely isolated from each other for three decades, the ramifications of that are just beginning to be recognized by both governments. Helena and Jason begin a logical journey that ends in finding peace by mixing the two belief systems, with an abundant amount of help from Kailani, who is the focal point, binding everything together, but not the main point. Helena’s change almost makes sense, but not quite. The way she learns (coming from the zealous bad guy) feels wrong. Jason’s growth, however, is perfectly formed, both logically and emotionally. Some scenes could be left out to make a tighter read. Though all three have completed journeys by the end, enough of this world is left open to continue the blending of two diametrically opposite ideologies with more amazing people.


Julie York