The Bastards of Ran

ISBN Number: 

SCI-FI: The war is over and nothing but an uninhabitable planet is left.  The military has joined the Paramount in ships orbiting the planet in hopes their home will revive.  The Paramount--the privileged in a caste system--have demoted Jaylon from the military's commander to little more than a servant aboard ship.  He's been reduced to guard duty in the Paramount lounge and fears his new assignment is nothing more than a trap, set to add more jagged lines to the crisscross of scars he wears on his back for defiance.  He should ask for a transfer but that would mean never seeing the quietly intrepid Tieann again.

The Bastards of Ran is an enigmatic tale, drawing out pleading hope for a warrior who doubts his own greatness but whose love surpasses all.  The author’s voice is unique and takes a few pages to get used to, but is well worth the effort.  There is nary a kiss but Jaylon's unselfish sacrifice and devotion to Tieann is lovely and compelling.  Wills weaves a tale worthy of genre jumping and makes it nearly impossible to leave the hero alone to suffer and fight while one goes about their daily life.  This leads beautifully to an ending that is pure perfection!  Jump right in, sci-fi fans, the water here is fine!               

Sandy Ponton