Angel Brave (Azura Chronicles Book 3)


SCI-FI: Lady Valoria and her Avenging Angels defend Azura with a fierce tenacity. When Keoke Mahoe gets through numerous defenses to deliver a message, Valoria is very impressed with his abilities. What he tells her could bring forth a chaos and devastation that could not be imagined. The appearance of a dangerous enemy army could mean the loss of life for countless of Valoria’s people. With fear and death looming, Valoria worries her Avenging Angels may not be able to stop them, but they will do everything in their power to protect their civilization. It is a journey that they will never forget as they work hard to conquer evil.

Vijaya Schartz really has a fantastic imagination and has built the world of Azura in a way that will take readers on a journey among the stars. Not only that, there are so many aspects of science fiction that fans of the genre will absolutely love it. The characters are dynamic, varied, and it’s hard to figure out what will happen next which creates nerve-tingling suspense. At many points in the narrative, the action practically jumps off the page. There may be information that would be understood better after reading the previous books in the series. There are issues in this book that could be seen as emulating events that are going on in the world today which is a great addition to this book. Definitely take a look at this one this holiday season.

Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick