The Lighthouse Secret (Amelia Moore Detective Series Book 7)

Linda Weaver

COZY:  Amelia Moore founded the Moore Detective Agency because of her talent in solving missing person's cases.  She shares her passion with her employee and new husband Rick Bonito.  When Rick reveals his sadness and loss regarding the mysterious disappearance of his uncle five years ago, Amelia decides they need to solve the mystery once and for all.

“The Lighthouse Secret” is a sweet book that hearkens back to the mysteries of the mid-nineteen fifties and sixties.  Amelia and Rick are the perfect couple with a perfect marriage.  Rick’s family is perfect and welcoming to Amelia on every level, supportive of their marriage and their careers.  Unfortunately, this does not lead to a compelling story.  The protagonists in this book are one-dimensional and difficult to relate to.  The story itself lacks the gritty reality needed when examining the effects of crime on individuals and families.


The story reads more like a youth novel and would be good in that genre. Clark’s prose is easy to read, but the reader can’t help but feel that the author has more to offer than this inoffensive story which lacks the depth to grab and pull the reader into the world that Clarke creates.  Simple and pleasant, “The Lighthouse Secret” serves well as lighter fare and would do well as pleasant reading in a nice warm bed before sleep.


Gwenellen Tarbet