The Trouble with Love (Distinguished Rogues Book 8)



Whitney Crewe is young, talented, rich and unmarried.  As a woman in the higher echelons of society in the Regency period, she has a single-minded determination to stay that way.  Her plans for her life do not include being saddled with a loveless marriage to an overpowering husband, no matter what society demands.  Lord Acton knows that it is time for him to marry.  To that end, he has proposed to a proper young lady who is of impeccable breeding and social standing but has little passion.  He is dismayed to find that all the qualities he longs for are embodied in Whitney Crewe – a woman he can never have.

“The Trouble with Love” is a great read.  Ms. Boyd takes the formulaic regency romance trope and makes it her own with a vivid and talented leading-lady who knows her heart and is not afraid to follow it.  Lord Acton is a character with depth and charisma who is torn between social convention and the longing of his heart.  Ms. Boyd creates real tension between Whitney and Acton with a well-paced and original story arc which keeps the reader guessing until the end.  “The Trouble with Love” pulls the reader into another era with a well written narrative and plot that manages to be both sweet and saucy at the same time. 

Gwenellen Tarbet