Rebellious Secrets


Lady Maira Douglas is not your average lady. She's as fierce as any warrior, carrying her weapons wherever she goes. When her father, the Rowen of Whitehaven, promises her in marriage to Sir Gregory Arundell of Durham, she is determined to keep her will strong. Because the King has granted her a marriage of her choosing, she decides to defy her father and make a choice of her own. Before she sets out to Durham castle, she encounters a thief by the name of Jacob Quincy who she soon discovers is a nobleman by birth. Now she is intrigued to know more. She discovers he has been wronged by Sir Gregory and seeks revenge but not before stealing a kiss and the heart of the unusual and feisty lady Maira. 

Lady Maira is the kind of heroine that will keep readers on their toes, while Jacob Quincy is the kind of hero to make readers swoon. The story reads like an intricate chess game with these two matching wit and charm, entertaining the reader with each move they make. Full of adventure, “Rebellious Secrets” provides several twists and unexpected turns that keep the story exciting. Jacob and Maira are passionate and their romance blossoms as the story continues. There is a bit of repetition, and some areas are not as cohesive as others, yet the drama and adventure make up for these minor flaws. From the very beginning, this is a story that will grab readers attention making it difficult to put down.

Maggie Faria