My Lord Protector (The Beresford Adventures Book 2)


When Charlotte Robinson discovers her employer's murdered body, she is forced to go on the run. Entrusted with a journal kept by that lady, Charlotte knows that she could become a target of the killer. Changing her name to Caroline Rutherford, she takes a position as a companion to the sister of the Earl of Devere. The earl is taken by his sister's new companion and intrigued by her knowledge of Whig politics. But something doesn't add up, and when mysterious happenings target Caroline, he is certain his sister's companion is hiding something. Caroline adores her position in the Devere household and fears that she is falling in love with the earl. Will he be able to forgive her deception? As the earl wrestles with unexpected feelings, one thing is clear - he will do whatever it takes to protect Caroline!

"My Lord Protector" delights and intrigues with its blend of mystery and romance! The reader is drawn in immediately as Charlotte discovers her employer's body. The practicalities of disappearing and changing identities adds depth to the story, as do the historical references to political bills being debated at the time. Charlotte/Caroline is refreshing as a young woman with understanding of the government and levels of power. Devere is responsible and caring, which comes through on his positions of various issues of the day. The attraction between the two develops naturally, and the incidents that beset Caroline add spice and mystery to the plot! "My Lord Protector" will entice readers to devour all three books in this entertaining series from the talented pen of Cheryl Bolen!

Tricia Hill