Two Hearts, One Stone (Boots and Babies)



Stone Dempsey loves horses and women.  Yet, there still hasn’t been a woman who has claimed his heart.  His mindset changes when he meets Dr. Emmersyn Cole.  Captivated by the young doctor’s beauty, intelligence and kind heart, Stone decides to win her love. For her part, Emmersyn is attracted to the handsome cowboy, but his reputation as a lady’s man makes her wary.  Soon an unexpected turn of events reveals Stone’s softer, more-nurturing side to the young doctor. She must decide whether to follow her heart and risk tit and her future on the wayward young man.

“Two Hearts” is an enjoyable novel.  The main characters are well-constructed, if lacking in depth. The story would have been enhanced by allowing Stone and Emmersyn to be a little less perfect for one another, as there is little doubt in the reader’s mind that the two will end up together. A great strength of “Two Hearts” is Ms. Scott’s willingness to take Stone out of his comfort zone, using an original and creative turn of events that fits the flow of the story nicely.  More insight into his past would have added a little more flavor to his character and to the story arc. Ms. Scott has a nice light touch on her prose, easily creating an interesting storyline and grounding the reader in the sights, sounds and smells of the ranch. The author adds nuance to her story with inventive details that add fun and humor to the narrative.  A lovely book to read.

Gwenellen Tarbet