Take a Chance

Heather B.

Lane Prosper is alone on graduation day and finds himself in the campus music hall listening to a determined pianist practice her piece. Before he realizes it, she approaches him and invites him to watch her perform at the upcoming concert. Unfortunately, Lane is heading home to Texas. He’s ready to find the career of his dreams. With a ticking timeline to Lane’s departure, Lane and Ava kindle an undeniable romance. Lane is surprised at his attraction to this woman in that he’s known for only going on one date and never pursuing a second. Ava has him wanting more. His challenge is whether he’ll go home knowing he should have taken a chance on the woman he was meant to meet.

The theme of taking chances weaves well throughout the entire story. The romance of Ava and Lane and their time together is sweet and each character is well written. However, the urgency for Ava and Lane to be alone together in such a short period of time may cause concern in believability. Lane’s choices about his career may come across as a weak man of decisions for someone described as a physically strong man. At times, the Texas drawls and mannerisms may be found as overly sterotypical. The town and Lane’s family have an enduring sense about them that adds more to Lane’s story, but not as much to Ava’s. Ava’s amazing music abilities are a huge plus and described beautifully. Taking a Chance will attract those who love a sweet romance with a twist of music and charm.

Moira Wolf