Sun & Moon


NEW ADULT:  Katja is trying to make it in the indie music scene in Dresden, Germany. Micah is high-class banker on a quest. When circumstances force Katja out onto the streets, Micah steps in to help. The attraction between them is undeniable, even if they both wish to resist. Katja is busy pursuing her music and Micah has his own hands full with work and searching for someone. They both hide secrets, both hide the truth about their pasts, and they each might be the only people who can save the other, but who will put their life out on the line first?


An edgy contemporary romance piece, “Sun & Moon” is an exploration of a love between two people from very different lives, both with hardship hovering in the background. The writing nicely brings out Katja and Micah’s emotions as they deal with love, grief, desperation, and determination. Both characters are flawed and talented in different ways that make them real. Backgrounds are steadily revealed, dreams are realistically pursued, and pasts are dealt with. Katja is a strong character trying to escape from poverty and a broken home. In this way, she contrasts well with Micah’s rich but aimless origins that combined with tragedy to turn him into a brooding character romance lovers will adore. Overall, a realistic romance that will leave readers sighing in contentment and still wishing for more!


Sarah E Bradley