Crazy Sexy Love


The first time Callie and Sam were in a relationship, they were four years old.  A year and a half later, Sam broke it off when it became apparent that Callie was one of the smartest girls in their class, and he couldnt even learn to read.  He knew he wasnt good enough for her.  Sam became a drummer, and left town to tour with his band.  After winning a Grammy, he comes home on a short break between tours.  He reunites with Callie, and it quickly becomes obvious that their childhood crush has matured into something much deeper.  Callie knows she has never gotten over her first love, but is she willing to leave her life behind to follow Sams band on the road?  And then theres his stalker

This is a touching book that mixes hometown nostalgia with the sweet innocence of first love.  It is somewhat ironic that the dyslexic is in love with the town librarian, but true love can overcome any odds, rights?  Callie is a girl who loves unreservedly and with her whole being, whether its her pets, her ailing mother, or the first man who stole her heart.  The complications keeping Sam and Callie apart are completely believable and are problems that real-life couples face every day.  Readers will root for these characters as they navigate the winding road toward a crazy, sexy love.

Leslie Stokes