One Last First Date (Cozy Cottage Cafe #1)


ROMANTIC COMEDY:  Cassie Dunhill has had her life planned out since she was young. She and her two best friends, Paige and Marissa, make a pact on the beach that their next date will be the man they marry. Cassie has been avoiding Parker Hamilton for six months, but in her heart he’s THE ONE, and she finally accepts his invitation to an evening out. After the beach pact with her friends, she has absolutely no doubt that they will be husband and wife in the very near future. 

Will Jordan is Cassie’s annoying co-worker. Everything about him bothers her, and she hates the nickname he has given her. She has her eye on a promotion at work, and Will is vying for the same position. However, he has a leg up since he has the highest sales in the company. When they are forced to work together on a project, Cassie begins to see that he isn’t as annoying as she thought.  Not only that, why is it that he pops into her mind at the most inappropriate times, especially when she is with Parker?

“One Last First Date” is a cute, sweet romantic comedy. Written from Cassie’s point of view, it is done fairly well. There isn’t a whole lot of chemistry between the characters, which is disappointing, and the ending feels rushed.  The friendship between Cassie, Paige and Marissa is the best part of the story and better than the romance. While on the predictable side, this book is a "sit on the beach with a Mai Tai" read….just don’t make a pact while there! 

Lynne Bryant