I Got a Fitbit For Christmas, or The Downside to Getting Just What You Want!


So every year around the first week of December, Mr. Grant approaches me with his annual request for my Christmas list.  And every year, I wrack my brain trying to think of what to put on it.  He's a pretty good shopper (he uses my list like an actual shopping list, rather than just a bunch of ideas) so I have to be careful what goes on it.  If an infomercial hair remover was on my list, it would be under the tree, so I give my Christmas list a lot of consideration.
This year, in addition to the standard new gloves, Stephen King book and a scarf, I thought I'd like to try something different.  Background is required for this, so bear with me.
I don't know if I've shared my actual age with all of you.  There have been many hints, mostly to do with how long I've been reading bodice rippers and the fact that I need reading glasses, but I've never come out and 'fessed up.  I'm still not telling, but what I will say is that things are starting to settle. My thighs are getting jiggly, my arms have that distressing tricep waddle, and my muffin top?  Let's just say it more closely resembles a bowl of rising bread dough than any little bit of bran muffin.

Read the entire article in the February 2015 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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