Websites: The Good, The Bad, and The Free


In this day and age, everyone and their Aunt Betty has a website.  Yet, I often encounter authors who instead list their Goodreads blogs as their online home. “I don’t need it,” they say. “Readers will find me on Amazon and Goodreads, so what’s the point of wasting sanity on another online resource I’ll forget to use?” My response? “Duuuuuude.” (And those of you who know me personally, can vouch that’s exactly the way I say it.) “You sooooo need a website!”
Let me list the "Con" arguments:
I don’t have time to maintain it.
I don’t have $$ to hire someone to build it or time to learn.
I don’t need it – I have Facebook/Twitter/etc. etc.
I hate this online tech crap – can’t I just write?
Even if I had a website, what would I put on there?
All valid points. But here’s the thing: What do you do when you want to find out more about a favorite author? What do you do when you want to learn more about their writing habits, their upcoming books or their back list? If you’re like me, you haunt Nora Robert’s website to glean every bit of writing advice you can, or get hints about the next Eve and Roarke adventure. (And speaking of, why the hell are they making 50 Shades into a movie, but not Naked In Death??? Somebody call the Lifetime Network!)
Your website is a place where all your information lives in harmony. Your books, your news, your book covers, your current writing projects. Your backlist (the holy grail of a writer’s paycheck.) Everything about you is in one place – your readers don’t have to search multiple social media platforms to find out more about you and your books.

Read the entire article in the Dec/Jan issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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