Recent Reviews

MAGICAL REALISM:  Eighteen-year-old Evelyn believes she has found the love of her life in Guy McCallister, a dreamboat with chiseled features and a goatee. Her family disagrees, however, and to please them she apprehensively agrees to go on a date with a “perfect match.” Rex Somersy is the epitome of a gentleman —the complete opposite of Guy — yet Evelyn finds herself falling for him.

PARANORMAL:  Spitfire heroine Wynnona Hendricks finds her world thrown into chaos when a stranger named Aiden shows up unannounced. Not only does he open Wynn’s eyes to the existence of demons, angels, and fae, he also tells her that she is a demon — an Earth walking demon. On trial before leaders from each supernatural sect,  she must prove her worth by besting the demon leaders.

SCI-FI/DYSTOPIAN:  Reginald Barker has created a weaponized rabies virus to be used as a tool of mass destruction. It has been released to the world—without either his consent or a ready vaccine—and Reginald now needs to get his family to a fortress he has built in Texas. Randi Martinez, a former Marine, built the safe haven for Barker and has now brought her family there to live.

La Isla de la Muerte sounds like a beautiful island according to the travel agent, even though its name means “Island of Death”. As they book their honeymoon on the island, Detective Johnathon Miller and Callie are full of  excitement and anticipation. However, when they arrive on the island, strange things begin to happen.

SUSPENSE/THRILLER:  "What if President Abraham Lincoln had survived the assassination attempt — how would history change?”
