Recent Reviews

With These Wings

Phoenyx is torn away from her beloved Cole and his sister Chloe when the aliens that have invaded the earth abduct her.  She is one of the lucky few who escape, although she comes out severely altered by alien DNA, which includes the addition of wings. These changes make her the only hope for the remaining survivors on Earth.

Speed the Dawn

Donovan Nash is ready to launch his new research ship from his company Eco-Watch. His wife, Dr. Lauren McKenna, is flying in with colleagues for the launch when a meteor shower blankets  California. The plane just barely makes its emergency landing.

Tale Half Told
Killarney Traynor,
Margaret Traynor
Four friends are on their way north to celebrate Christmas festivities with family when Michael Wright, one of the friends, insists that they take a detour to see the Reynolds house. His boss owns the home, this site of a tragic murder/suicide.

Breaker lives in a world where blood matters — what color you bleed determines your tribe. The three tribes are on the brink of war, fighting for control of the planet. Malani is a red-blood, raised as a blue-blood, saved from the experiments of the green-bloods. Every tribe wants her to use her for her unique abilities, like having wings made of living metal.

Don’t Toy With Me

After quitting her job instead of standing up to her boss, Jordan Wright’s car is about to become repossessed.  She needs a job, like yesterday, so when her aunt suggests she enter a beauty pageant, Jordan feels she has nothing to lose.  Turns out Bart Underwood is not holding a pageant, he’s looking for reality show contestants.
