Fractured Glass

Tia Silverthorne Bach, Casey L Bond, N.L. Greene,
Jo Michaels, Kelly Risser
Young Adult

SCI-FI/ANTHOLOGY:  “Fractured Glass” is the story of teenage twins, Sloan & Harley Glass. It opens in contemporary United States with the twins discovering they might move again. Their mother’s odd insistence about homeschooling and continual moves knits the two of them together. Often they feel each other’s pain and even share dreams. 

Their mother becomes even more paranoid, insisting the two of them must be careful, but not telling them why. The first hint of trouble happens when a mysterious woman shows up at the teen dance club. The only problem is not everyone can see her. It’s hard to explain their fears, but their mother understands the danger is very real.

Five separate authors bring their own writing styles to “Fractured Glass.” The tale starts slow with more telling than showing and stereotypical characters including bad boy, Tommy, and computer nerd, Diego. The overprotective mother acts inconsistently, allowing her daughters to visit the local dance club aware their pursuers are close. The story’s flow improves and the characters grow in complexity with each new author. 

This mysterious tale of two devoted twins is well worth persevering past the initial thirty pages. The reward will be a satisfying conclusion to a genre-bender book and something to talk about long after the book is finished. 

Morgan Stamm