Recent Reviews

Ian Mackintosh is in love with Rose McLaren. She is his everything and he plans to marry her. Unfortunately he lets his insecurities get the better of him and he decides to break their troth.

Recently hired by NorthEastern Insurance Company, Jay Porter is responsible for investigating accident claims for his employer.

Barefoot Bay: Wild on the Rocks
Kiersten Hallie

Quinn Forrester never stayed in one place too long... until she met Lieutenant Jasper McQueen, Navy Seal.

Deep Six

Jake Longly, retired professional baseball player, is now working for his father, a private investigator in the Gulf Shores area.

DARK FANTASY/GRIM DARK:  The Hunter has left Voramis behind. The loss of all he held dear is too much to bear, so he heads North in an effort to find out more about the Bucelarii and the woman who haunts him. His only companions are his horse, the demon inside him, and his blade, Soulhunger, until he chances upon two knights under attack.
