Lethal Journey


Lauren Taylor is an intelligent woman following in her famous father’s footsteps. She’s a daddy’s girl, loved, protected and spoiled by him because their past entails a tragedy that isn’t entirely dead and gone. Gino Valdina is a mob boss suspected of offing his wife. After Lauren’s father failed to indict him years earlier on other crimes, she’s now determined to put Gino away. 

Taking on the syndicate comes with danger, and Lauren is soon dodging bullets and black vans. Bodies pop up and the mystery thickens. Enter Eric, an on-the-ball police officer. He’s buff with hotness.  He's also Lauren’s ex, and a very likeable hero. 

This is an action-packed whodunit, that’s been done before. Walking into a case like this would mean long hours before the gavel struck the bench.  Lauren appears in the courtroom only once. Emphasis is put on lunches, her gardening and decorating her home. The novel has forward momentum from the start with an opening action scene which is very well done. The one love scene is disappointing, as it reads like a recipe: his, his, his, he, he. For the most part the dialogue does not lend any strength to the story and is stilted and anticipated. Ms. Cresswell’s literary strength is the suspense and mystery of the plot, written with a tight, well thought-out process.  There is an exceptionally good twist to the end of this novel, and all loose ends are cinched off.  Case closed.

Natasza Waters