Unearthed (Specter, Inc., Ghost Hunter #1)


 “Unearthed”: Specters, bones and intriguing men brew a tale.

Ghost hunter Jack Trader is running out of money, and he needs it to keep Specter Inc. alive. The ghosts, like his money, vanish before he gets the footage and recognition he needs. Lila Monclair’s B&B might house the ghoulies to give breath to Jack’s paranormal projects. Lila’s business takes a dive when the nightly visitors are the vaporous kind, and scare away the paying guests. In walks Jack to purge the ghosts, and to fill her personal life, which is in jeopardy of being branded spinsterish. 

Ms. Drennen’s pen has the ability to impress and then quickly switch the lights off. “He was here to rid Lila of her ghost, not her clothes.”  Nice line!  “Jack’s fingers literally itched to touch the shiny strands to find out if they were as soft as they looked.”  Done before. This tale is fraught with tell not show, and the plot has been penned many times. A love gone bad, murder, redemption and souls finding peace with the sleuthing protagonists' assistance. Will the story make skin tingle? Maybe, if it’s read on a dark stormy night, alone, with the lights dimmed.

Readers will find solid writing structure and a decent pace. Ms. Drennen conveys a story of a man who unearths his moral center and the love of his life. The romance is warm and satisfying with intimate scenes, two in this case, which kindle a spark. Is it worth the investment? Sure is!

Natasza Waters