The Suicide Gene


WOMEN'S FICTION:  Emma Kerr is a psychiatrist with a motive. She counsels the McKinney family with the purpose of discovering whether or not she is connected to this family by DNA. The family's long history of suicide is a peculiar one. The McKinney siblings, including a set of twins, have secrets that are not easily shared. When an unexpected event turns the family members against each other, Emma is left wondering whether she will be able to help at all and at what price. Is the knowledge she seeks worth her own safety and her sanity in the long run. 

A very interesting theory of suicide being a possibly inherited gene is explored, while the beginning takes a close look at one on one counseling sessions. Numerous small details slow down the pace at times, yet the story continues to progress steadily until its climactic ending. Emma and the McKinney family that she counsels have parallel stories that push the boundaries of the mystery and biological possibilities. The narrative travels back and forth in time, introducing threads of past situations which can become overwhelming and difficult to follow at times.  These threads, however, add depth to the backstories of all the characters. Emma is torn by her own pain and longing to discover the truth about her own personal past. This raises the drama level as she begins to discover connection after connection. For those who enjoy a mystery with a psychological element this is a good choice.

Maggie Faria