Black Blood (Black Bloods - Book 1)

New Adult

PARANORMAIL: In a post-apocalyptic world, Abby lives in a world of gray - one without emotions but many secrets. Staying in Sanctuary was an existence in tedium, where Abby's active imagination and curiosity were stifled. Threatened with being forced to conform to Sanctuary's rules, Abby escaped. The world outside her prior reality consisted of more than she dreamt of; in addition, without Sanctuary's influences, she began to discover incredible abilities hidden within her veins. On her journey Abby befriends others who help her realize who she truly is, and help her escape the dangers Black Bloods encounter as she continues down the path to her destiny. 

The bleak reality for the main character Abby (Aberdeen) Day was a beige washing of monotony and half-truths. As an inquisitive teenager, she encountered more with reprimands than with answers by the community around her that resulted in her "outsider" status. The empty answers fed to her on a daily basis fueled her curiosity as well as an inner fire. The main character carried the tale but the drawn-out pacing of the text endangered pushing the tale into the same beige area of interest for the reader as Abby had fled from in Sanctuary. The first book in a new series, a lot of groundwork has been laid, which also accounts for most of the title's drawbacks. For lovers of sci-fi, try this book.

Amy Willis