Whiskey Sour


Addison Holmes life is falling apart. She has lost her teaching position in her hometown of Whiskey Bayou, and finds herself without home or job.  Then there's Detective Nick Dempsey, a man who is perfectly happy to enjoy hot sex, but stops short of any other commitment.  When Addison's friend Kate McLean, owner of a private investigative agency, asks her to do some undercover work, Addison finally finds her true calling.  And, when the FBI needs a fresh face to help bring down a stolen jewelry ring, Addison's adrenaline kicks in and it's full speed ahead!

The mysterious Matt Savage, the FBI operative assigned to the investigation, adds another steamy romance interest.  He makes no secret of his pursuit of Addison and his desire for more.  When Addison puts herself in harm's way to solve the stolen jewels caper, she must face her own true feelings as well.

Liliana Hart writes a captivating mystery thriller with great characters and wonderful dialogue.  More than once, her use of humorous phrases will have the reader laughing out loud!  Nick and Addison  are well-written as sexy love interests.  A little more play between these two characters would add some needed tension to the story.  The relationship between Addison and Nick needed more depth as well – lots of intense sex scenes, but little development in any other area.  The character of Addison Holmes is fabulous, as we follow her relationships with her girlfriends, men friends, co-workers, and her mother.  The story ends with one romantic door closing and another opening, making any reader definitely anxious to read the next installment!

Victoria Z. Burg