Regency Royal Navy Christmas


In “Regency Royal Navy Christmas” four different stories pass the revue, each focusing on Christmas during the Napoleonic Wars. The first story, “Boxing the Compass” focuses on a captain who is tasked to bring a convoy of convicts to Australia but longs for nothing more than to be reunited with his baby daughter. This was hands-down the best story in the collection, focusing on warmth, heart, caring, and all those feelings that come when one thinks about Christmas. 

The second story, “Wait Here for the Present”, is about a spinster who helps a young boy to get home in time to spend Christmas with his father. The third story is about Captain McCulloch, whose ship is forced to spend a month ashore, which he considers a perfect time to catch up on reading and otherwise do nothing, until trouble comes his way and his plans get complicated. The last story, “The Christmas Angle”, is tied in with another series by the same author and without having read that series, it is difficult to connect with the story. 

The other stories are packed with emotion, heartbreak, strong characters and romance. The only downside is that the plots are a tad predictable, and after reading through a few of these, the characters become slightly similar. Still, it is a charming, romance-filled read perfect for the Christmas holidays. 

Majanka Verstraete