Lies and Letters


Charlotte Lyon’s mother raised her to ruthlessly pursue a titled, wealthy husband — and to crush any competition in the process.  As a result, she’s a mean-spirited person and has never known love. When her family is financially ruined, she and her younger sister Clara are exiled to Craster, a town in icy Northumberland. Her only hope is to attract a husband, and she sets her sights on Lord Trowbridge. However, James Wrotham, a cheeky, plain-speaking man of apparent low station, is impossible to ignore. Hardship and unexpected circumstances cause Charlotte to discover that she does have a heart after all.

“Lies and Letters” is told from the viewpoint of an unsympathetic heroine, allowing the reader to witness her evolution firsthand. No reader’s emotions could remain untouched as she painstakingly learns all her treasured values are false, and what is truly genuine and valuable.  First person can be difficult POV with which to tell a romantic story successfully, but it is perfect for this book. Seeing and feeling what Charlotte does is essential in order for the reader to root for her happy ending.  Initially, Charlotte is a hard sell, but her love for music and the glimpse at her emotional journey as she encounters genuine caring from others wins over the reader.  The relationship that Charlotte has with her sister is integral to this story and it is an evocative illustration of the power of transformation.  James is a layered and endearing love interest who complements Charlotte in the best ways.  “Lies and Letters” will bring tears to a reader’s eyes.  

Danielle Hill