

George Davenport is born to be a coachman. He comes from a family line of coachman and in this takes much pride.   Although he works long hours, he is content to spend his down time with Lucy, his love. Lucy looks forward to the day that she will be free from the appalling treatment of her mother and sets her hopes on George. Before they have the chance to marry, however, wheels are set in motion as George faces a shortage of work and must seek work in London. He aims high and gains employment with Mr. Chaplin, the most respected coachman employer there is. Soon, their marriage plans are even further debilitated by Sarah Chaplin who has sets her sights on George. 
George is what one would expect of a young man in the 1800's making his way into the world and discovering that love and friendship, not just ambition, play a large part in one’s happiness and success. He is the colorful character that is truly the heart of the story. The reader can also feel Lucy's desperation as she fights the trials that face them. The story is also a raw and honest look at the world of coachman but at times it’s very heavy in coachman dialogue and content that tends to neglect and dull the story. Also, the character of Sarah is not utilized fully which diminishes that thread.  The author does, however, explore a side of history not very common in fiction and the individual plot-lines are very interesting. It is also refreshing to have a love story in a historical setting that is not between a nobleman or noble woman.

Margaret Faria