Recent Reviews

Lady Clara Masson has loved Andrew Macalister, the Duke of Bradstone, since she was ten. Her brother Jonathon, the Earl of Morton, hates Andrew with a vengeance and risking her brother’s wrath, she sneaks out of her brother’s home to attend the Duke’s family birthday ball. Her punishment is much worse than expected.

REGENCY:  Crippled and confined to a life in a wheelchair, Dora Mosier is forced by her mother to earn her keep or be turned out to starve. Dora decides to write letters to wounded Civil War veterans. Wanting to be someone sophisticated, she reinvents herself as Philomena Parks, a robust, well to do woman. She writes to former Union Captain Allon Banks.

HISTORICAL:  Captain Lord Jason Peyton has no idea he is being spied upon by the Kinsey sisters, Diana and Helen. As he watches for his informant to make an appearance, so do the girls watch Lord Peyton — and he is the subject of much discussion.  Without hesitation, Diana remarks how handsome he is. Helen, the elder sister, is reluctant to say much.

Old Bones
Renae Marie

Photographer Simon Greene has lost the nerve to pursue his dreams, thanks to a near-drowning five years ago. His wife Victoria is more than supportive of him, even when he turns to drink and women to cure himself. Now, he decides that the best cure for the deteriorating photographer is to move from New York to a quiet lakeside cabin in Maine.

Natalie Asimakis has been waiting for more than two hours for her husband to pick her up at the airport when her lost love Daniel appears, seemingly out of nowhere, and offers her a ride.  When she arrives at her apartment, she discovers that her husband James has been kidnapped. The ransom is a stolen USB keychain.
