STAINER: A novel of the ‘Me Decade’.


Ben Steiner is a young Jewish man, attending Columbus University in New York City during the 70s.  Still wet behind the ears, he feels unsettled with life. If he could just land a girl, he thinks, that will solve all of his problems!  This theory seems to prove true when he meets young Rebecca Glaser at a party and they become involved. Unfortunately, he also meets the mysterious P.T. Deighland and Ben spirals into the dangerous and taboo world of drugs, strange life philosophies, and superficial fashion models. Pulled between retaining his Jewish culture, developing a substantial relationship with Becky, and trying to maintain being cool with his new popular ‘friends’ - his ship is sinking fast.  He will have to make some decisions quickly, or risk losing everything.

“Stainer” is a cautionary tale of a youth torn between the worldly façade of success and the work it takes to develop real lasting relationships.  The dilemma that young Ben faces may be un-relatable experiences, but readers will easily feel the internal war that is waging in Ben's mind because of Ms. Woulff’s imaginative, articulate and poetic writing style.  As is common in some literature, the plot in “Stainer” does wander, and the conclusion seems a bit unrealistic.  Ben’s culture would have been wary of an outsider, yet his friends seem all too eager to accept - without question – this final situation with a certain outside character.  Despite this, “Stainer” is a beautifully penned piece of literary work sure to make an impact on anyone who reads it!


MB Rose